
Formula : C24-H25-N5-O4
CAS : 55623-37-5 

A fungal alkaloid from the culture broth of Penicillium oxalicum.


Formula : C8-H14-N2-O4-Pt
CAS : 61825-94-3 

An organoplatinum complex in which the platinum atom is complexed with 1, 2-diaminocyclohexane, and with an oxalate ligand which is displaced to yield active oxaliplatin derivatives. These derivatives form inter- and intra-strand DNA crosslinks that inhibit DNA replication and transcription. Oxaliplatin is an antineoplastic agent that is often administered with FLUOROURACIL and FOLINIC ACID in the treatment of metastatic COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS.

Oxaloacetic Acids

Formula :

Derivatives of OXALOACETIC ACID. Included under this heading are a broad variety of acid forms, salts, esters, and amides that include a 2-keto-1, 4-carboxy aliphatic structure.