CAf1M protein, Yersinia pestis

Formula :
CAS : 141911-75-3 

Has a stimulatory role for the envelope antigen F1 secretion; it seems to interact with the subunit polypeptide and to prevent it from digestion by a protease; contains 1 immunoglobulin-like domain.

Cafedrine mixture with theodrenaline

Formula : C18-H23-N5-O3.C17-H21-N5-O5
CAS : 69910-62-9 

Used in therapy of orthostatic hypotensive disorder; combination drug consisting of ethylaminotheophylline derivatives; stimulates blood circulation.

Cafestol palmitate

Formula :
CAS : 81760-46-5 

Active constituent of green coffee bean; enhance glutathione S-transferase activity.